St. Tolas misses…

May 8th, 2020

Thank you to all the parents, pupils and staff who helped in the making of this video. We really miss you all ♥️

Big thanks to Ms Hehir who gathered all the photos and made a lovely memoir for us all. It’s good to see so many of you again!!

Senior Infants Creations

May 7th, 2020

In Senior Infants the children have been learning about ‘Water’.  They learned about sharks, lighthouses, waterproof materials and importantly, conservation of water.  I’m so proud and impressed with their drawings and creations.  

Easter Bonnets and Ties

April 6th, 2020

We were delighted this week to receive emails of some fabulous creations designed at home by many of our children and parents. If you’d like to take part and have some artistic fun at home with the family, we’d love if you’d send us in your Easter bonnets and ties  and we’ll add them to our collection!! Well done everyone!!

Lego Challenge

April 6th, 2020

We hope you are all taking a break from the school work for the next two weeks and enjoy what would have been your Easter holidays. Check out this challenge if you’d like some ideas to take on a creative challenge in the weeks to come. Take a photo and email your designs into the school and we’d love to display your masterpieces on the website!! Happy building!!

Daily Timetable

April 2nd, 2020

See above sample of a daily timetable that you could use in your home.  Remember to plan for schoolwork, physical exercise and household jobs as well as activities you enjoy, connecting with friends and family. Most importantly, don’t forget some free time and food breaks throughout the day!!