School Calendar 2017-2018 Academic Year
April 27th, 2017SCHOOL CALENDAR 2017/2018
School reopens for all pupils on Wednesday 30th August 2017
School finishes on Friday 27th October & reopens on Monday 6th November 2017
School finishes on Friday 22nd December & reopens on Monday 8th January 2018
School will be closed on Thursday 15th & Friday 16th February 2018
School will be closed on bank holiday Monday, 19th March 2018
School finishes on Friday 23rd March & reopens on Monday 9th April 2018
School will finish on Friday 4th May & reopens on Monday 14th May 2018
School will finish on Friday 29th June 2018
*Please note May is the month designated for compulsory testing in schools for 1st to 6th classes. It is advisable for students, failing illness, to be at school during this time.
**Also please note that once a student misses in excess of 20 days, regardless of reason, we are obliged to report same to TUSLA, the Child & Family Agency. It is therefore essential that all absences are explained by a written note or phone call thank you.
Thursday Note 27th April 2017
April 27th, 2017Dear Parents/Guardians,
We hope you are well this week as we start into our final term of the current school year. I hope that you had a relaxing and enjoyable break over the past two weeks. Our news is as follows
- Thank you to all our parents who supported the recent Easter raffle organised by the Parents’ Association. A total of €446.80 was raised for school funds.
April 26th, 2017We received a “conseignment” of frogspawn a few weeks ago. Within a couple of days the frogspawn had turned into Tadpoles. We are watching the tadpoles every day and looking at their progress. We have a few already developing their back legs! We read that tadpoles like to eat anything green, in particular green grapes – however we quickly realised the importance of the saying “Don’t believe everything you read on the internet!!!!!”
Easter Raffle Winners 2017
April 25th, 2017Congratulations to our Easter raffle winners who were all very happy with their big chocolate bunnies.
Easter Bonnets 2017
April 25th, 2017Pupils from all classes were very busy before the Easter holidays making their Easter bonnets and Easter ties from recycled material. There was some very impressive bonnets and ties on display in the hall on the day of our holidays.