Thursday Note 30th November 2017

November 30th, 2017


Dear Parents/Guardians,

 We hope you are well this week as we head into the start of the Christmas season . Our news this week is as follows

  •  Last week we celebrated Friendship Week here in St. Tola’s. All the classes had S.P.H.E. lessons on what it means to be a good friend. All classes did art work on the theme of friendship. Some of these are displayed in the hall and are lovely. On Friday last we had a wonderful Cruinniu with every class singing a song or saying a poem on this theme. Well done to all the pupils for their fantastic efforts during the week.

(click here to read the rest of this news item…)

4th Class Marble Runs

November 27th, 2017

4th Class were given a task last week of creating marble runs. They used tape, cardboard, kitchen roll holders and sellotape to create them. They had 3 rules to follow when creating their marble runs.

They had to have 3 twists or turns.

They had to be at least 90 cm long from where the marble went in to where it came out.

The marble had to drop into a water container at the end but no part of the run could touch the container.

Most of our groups were very successful at completely the task and they had great fun working as a team.


November 27th, 2017

4th Class went on a tree hunt recently.

We found 2 Holly’s and a Holly Tree.

Thursday Note 23rd November 2017

November 23rd, 2017
  • Dear Parents/Guardians,

We hope you are well this week even though the weather has not been too good. Our news is as follows

  • Thank you to all parents who have ordered calendars for Christmas. All orders have been sent off to the printers and the calendars will be distributed as soon as we have them in the school.

(click here to read the rest of this news item…)

Top Attenders

November 22nd, 2017

As part of our attendance strategy, it is an important aim of the school to have children attend as frequently as possible. Every two months, any child who has full attendance for the previous two months will receive a small reward to recognise being fantastic attenders!! As you can see, we had many children who missed no day in September and October. We’re hoping more children can join them for November/December.