Thursday Note 24th March 2022

March 24th, 2022

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We hope you are enjoying the lovely spring sunshine. Our news this week is as follows

  • We have moved back to one break and one lunchtime for the whole school from last Monday.  The break is from 10.45-10.55a.m. and lunch is from 12.30 p.m-1p.m. Juniors and seniors are sharing the infant yard. 1st – 6th class have the front yards and astro turf with zones for various classes. It has been lovely to see children able to greet siblings and friends from other classes on the yard. We have placed a big emphasis this week on respecting others in the yard – watching where you run, playing fairly and keeping your hands to yourself.  Well done for the great effort everyone is making in this regard.
  • This week we are celebrating Friendship week with a host of activities. All classes cut out paper hands and decorated them for a giant KIND sign in the school hall. Yesterday the older classes buddied up with a younger class and went for a walk or read a book to each other. Tomorrow is wacky sock day when everyone can wear odd socks to show that odd pairs can go together. Every class is learning the song “You’ve got a friend in me” and we will sing it together at Cruinniu tomorrow. If pupils wish they can buy a friendship bracelet for €2 with all proceeds going to Amnesty International. The bracelets will be given out on Friday. Each class are doing other activities including random acts of kindness for pupils in their class. Well done to all taking part.
  • Thank you to all who made a donation last week for our no uniform day. The total raised was €364.55. This will go towards purchasing items for our Aoibhneas class and kitting out our new sensory room.
  • The school photo proofs were sent home yesterday for your approval. If you wish to order photos please complete the order form attached and include the money in the envelope and return to school. The last date for processing orders will be Wed 6th April.
  • It seems Covid 19 is still very much present in our school community. If your child has symptoms they must remain at home until symptom free. If your child tests positive on an antigen test they must remain at home for 7 days from the onset of symptoms. If you can let us know if your child is positive we will send out a text to the parents in the class alerting them to the fact that there are Covid cases in their child’s class. No one will be identified on this text. We thank you for your co-operation in this matter.

Kind regards,

Mary Dunlea Fitzgerald, Principal

Thursday Note 10th March 2022

March 10th, 2022

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We hope you are keeping well. Our news this week is as follows

  • As part of Engineers week 6th class have been invited to visit the Irish Aviation Museum here in Shannon tomorrow. They will have talks from aircraft engineers and will also get a tour of the museum as well as an opportunity to experience the flight simulator. We hope that 6th class will have an enjoyable visit. Pupils will be required to write a report on the visit and what they learnt when they return to school.  We are delighted that 6th can experience this visit after almost 2 years without any!
  • There is a Confirmation preparation Mass for pupils in 6th class making Confirmation this year at 11a.m. in Mary Immaculate Church this Sunday 13th March. Pupils are asked to wear their school uniform.
  • Seachtain na Gaeilge is currently running here in St. Tolas. We are going to have a whole school in person Cruinniu Gaelach (Irish Assembly) next Wednesday 16th March. Each class will perform a song/poem as Gaeilge for the rest of the school. We will have this Cruinniu outside (weather permitting) It will be lovely to be all together as a school.
  • The school photographer is here today taking photos of those who completed the form. Parents will receive a proof of photos taken and can place and pay for orders after this. Everyone is looking their best today and no doubt there will be some lovely photos. Thank you to our secretary Tracey who keeps this running so smoothly with minimal disruption.
  • Wolfe Tones GAA club have let us know that they are running an Easter Camp on 19th, 20th and 21st April for boys and girls aged 6-12. For details and booking contact Paul on 0892612416.
  • St. Tolas will be closed for all pupils and staff next Thursday 17th March and Friday 18th March as we celebrate our national holiday. The 18th March is an extra public holiday this year. As we were taking this day off as part of our holidays before this announcement it gives us an extra day. We will now close on Thursday 23rd June instead of Friday 24th June at the end of the current school year.  We hope you have a lovely St. Patrick’s Day. Beannachtaí na Feile Padraig oraibh go léir.

Kind regards, Mary Dunlea Fitzgerald, Principal

Thursday Note 3rd March 2022

March 3rd, 2022

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We hope you are well on this lovely Spring day. Our news this week is as follows

  • The Department of Education announced the end of Covid restrictions in primary schools from last Monday 28th February. Mask wearing is no longer required for either pupils or staff but individuals can wear a mask if they choose. Classrooms no longer have to have pods as social distancing is no longer required. Class bubbles are no longer required. We do know however that Covid is still prevalent in our communities. If your child has symptoms and tests positive on an antigen test they need to remain at home for 7 days and return when they are symptom free. If a member of your household tests positive but your child is symptom free and has tested negative on an antigen test they can attend school. We thank you for your continued support in relation to Covid and hopefully as the weather improves the incidence of Covid in the community will decrease.
  • The school photographer will be here next week on Thursday 10th March. Forms went home with the eldest in the family earlier this week. Please return to your child’s teacher if you wish to get your child’s picture taken. No payment is necessary until you receive a sample of your child’s picture and you can order then.
  • The pupils in 2nd and 6th classes who are making Communion and Confirmation this year went to Mary Immaculate Church yesterday for Ash Wednesday. Well done to our pupils who were excellent in the church. Fr. Arnie sent ashes down to the school for pupils and staff in other classes who wished to get them.
  • Congratulations to 4th class who aced our Accelerated Reading Challenge. They read the most words for the month of February but 6th were a very close 2nd. It was great to see such enthusiasm for reading amongst 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th classes.
  • Today is World Book Day and to mark the occasion the whole school had DEAR time this morning. This is  when we all had to Drop Everything And Read! 1st and 2nd brought in their favourite book from home. 3rd to 6th had their AR book to read and the Infants had a story read to them. Senior Infants visited the library also for storytime.  I hope you enjoyed this time!
  • The pupils in 2nd class making First Communion are invited to attend Mass with their family on Sunday next 6th March in Mary Immaculate Church at 11a.m. Pupils are asked to wear their school uniform. This is the first of two Masses organised for St Tolas for First Communion with the second on 20th March.
  • Co0ngratulations to Mr.Gary Tyrell and his wife on the safe arrival of a new baby daughter recently.  We also extend congratulations to Ms Lisa Quinn and her family on their new arrival of a baby boy this week also. We wish both families joy and happiness at this special time.

Kind regards,

Mary Dunlea Fitzgerald, Principal