Thursday Note 27th October 2022
October 27th, 2022Dear Parents/Guardians,
We hope you are well as we are almost at our midterm break. Our news this week is as follows
- We had our Witches Walk yesterday to raise funds for our new sensory room. We were so proud of our pupils who were just fantastic on the walk. Thank you to 6th, 5th and 4th classes who accompanied Juniors, Seniors and 1st classes respectively. It was so lovely to see the interactions between the older pupils and the younger pupils. Many people greeted us on our walk. Thank you to everyone who has donated on our gofundme page already. We have over €7000 raised already which we are thrilled about. This will be used to kit out our sensory room with equipment and furniture.
- The staff and Parents’ Association reviewed our homework policy and updated it over the past few weeks. The Board of Management ratified the new policy at its meeting on Tuesday evening last. Please see the updated policy attached. This policy will also go up on our website at
- On Monday last two of our Shannon Community Gardai visited the school to speak to the pupils in 4th, 5th and 6th classes about keeping safe over Halloween. They chatted about the dangers of fireworks and keeping safe if they go to bonfires. Unfortunately, every Halloween several people in Ireland sustain serious injuries as a result of fireworks. They also asked the pupils if they are out trick or treating that they do not knock on the doors of houses that have no lights on – the people living there do not want people calling for a variety of reasons.
- Our application process for enrolling in Junior Infants for the next school year 23/24 has now opened. If you have a child that is due to start school next year please contact the office for an enrolment application form.
- If pupils wish to dress up again tomorrow for Halloween that is fine. There are some pupils who may not want to dress up or who may not celebrate Halloween and they can wear their school uniform.
- Our Parents Association will be holding an informal meeting on Thursday 10th November @ 7.00pm here in school. Any parents wishing to join or attend are welcome along for the meeting.
- St. Tola’s will close tomorrow at the usual times (1.40p.m. for Infants and 2.40p.m. for 1st-6th classes). The school is closed all next week. We will re-open on Monday 7th November at 9a.m. I hope that all pupils, parents and staff have a relaxing and funfilled midterm break.
Kind regards,
Mary Dunlea Fitzgerald, School Principal
St Tolas Thursday Note 20th Oct 2022
October 20th, 2022Dear Parents/Guardians,
We hope you are well as we move through October. Our news this week is as follows
Our fundraising Witches Walk will take place next week. We will decide what day on Monday after looking at the weather forecast. Pupils may dress up in their Halloween costumes if they wish. We will do a walk around Shannon. Donations can be made on this link for our gofundme page. Thank you to the many families and individuals who made a donation already. All funds raised will go towards equipping our sensory room in our Aoibhneas class.
- This week we are celebrating Maths week with every class learning maths games and having a focus on mental maths. Tomorrow we have a maths games demonstration day. All classes will send representatives to the hall throughout the day to man their maths game station. Every pupil will get an opportunitity to present their class game at some point in the day. Each class has an allocated time to come to the hall to see the games from all other classes and to get a chance to play them. It promises to be a fun day and we are all looking forward to it!
- Our parent/teacher meetings will take place towards the end of January with the date to be confirmed closer to the time. Teachers are happy to meet with parents/guardians before then or at any time if you have a worry or a concern. Please make an appointment through the school office so that the teacher is available to meet with you.
- For pupils in 6th class making their Confirmation there is a preparation Mass this Sunday at 11a.m. in Mary Immaculate Church. The parish policy is that pupils wear their school uniform to these Masses.
- On Tuesday last our boys’ football team took part in the Cumann na MBunscoil competition in Ruan. They played very well but were up against some stiff competition and did not go through this time. However, on Tuesday evening two teams represented St Tola’s in the Paddy Carrig memorial competition and one of our teams won the cup! Both teams played brilliantly and we are so proud of them. Thank you to Ms Hehir who organised this competition.
- 4th and 5th classes visited the library yesterday to take part in a workshop with Niall De Búrca – traditional storyteller. He told a great story called Fiddle Dee Dee and the pupils really enjoyed it.
- The Parents’ Association would like to invite any interested parents to join their committee. A few parents contacted the office last week to join and we thank them for that. The invitation is still open to other parents. If you would like to get involved contact the school office by phone or email and Tracey will pass on your details to the committee. The meetings are informal and there are not a lot throughout the year.
- St. Tolas will close next Friday 28th Oct at the usual time 1.40p.m. for Infants and 2.40p.m. for all other classes. We will be closed for mid term break all week starting 31st October. St. Tolas will re-open at 9a.m. for all pupils on Monday 7th November.
Kind regards,
Mary Dunlea Fitzgerald, School Principal
DojoMor Coding Event
October 13th, 2022 Dear All, Free coding workshops from DojoMór 2022, funded by the HEA, will be running online, from 10am to 1pm, on Saturday 22nd October 2022, offering a range of activities to suit all ages and interests. On the day, 24,000 students, from primary and secondary schools around Ireland, can learn to code in a fun and exciting virtual environment. This event is being supported by Munster Technological University, Atlantic Technological University, South East Technological University, Maynooth University, Dún Laoghaire Institute of Design Art and Technology Design, and Offaly County Council. Coding Workshop List for DojoMór 2022: Coding for Beginners with Lightbot Build an App with Thunkable & Bubble Code a Virtual Robot with VEX Code VR Code like a Pro with HTML Create a Story/Game with Scratch Code a Micro-chip with Micro :bit 3D Modelling with Blender Making Music with Soundtrap The Magic of Augmented & Virtual Reality We would appreciate if you could share this with your teachers and students. For information and For updates and competitions – @dojomor2021 Bookings are open now. We hope you can make it, The DojoMór Team |
Thursday Note 13th October 2022
October 13th, 2022Dear Parents/Guardians,
We hope you are well. Our news this week is as follows
- Our Parents’ Association would like to invite any interested parents to join. The Parents’ Association are a brilliant resource in the school. They help organise many events, help out with fundraising and are consulted in relation to certain school policies also. This is a great way to capture the parent voice. There are only a few meetings during the year and they are quite informal. It is a lovely way to get to know other parents in the school. If you would like to join or are interested in finding out more please email the office at or phone and your details will be passed along to the committee.
- Well done to the boys and girls who took part in the Paddy Carrig Memorial football competition in Wolfe Tones GAA club last Tuesday. Four teams from St Tolas represented the school so well. They played teams from the other primary schools in Shannon and gave a great account of themselves. Thank you to our staff who trained and accompanied the pupils to the competition.
- We wish our Girls’ Football team all the best today as they are taking part in the Cumann na mBunscoil competition in Wolfe Tones GAA club today. We hope they have a very enjoyable day and have good fun.
- We will be organising a fundraising Witches Walk to take place the week of 24th October. The date will be confirmed closer to the time taking the weather forecast into account. Pupils can dress up in their Halloween costumes and we will go for a walk around Shannon. Instead of sponsor cards we will send out a gofundme link shortly and we ask that you share this with family and friends. All funds raised will go towards kitting out our sensory room.
- Please see information leaflet attached about a coding event taking place on Saturday 22nd October that your child may be interested in attending virtually.
- We are busy in every class with Maths week activities taking place this week and next week. 5th class have set up a game called noggle in the hall and were playing it with me yesterday.6th class are going to play it today. I understand we will also have a game called Algeboggle. There is maths related art taking place, maths games and even maths related spellings! Today 5th class are taking part in a live zoom event where they will use our IZAK9 maths resource. Next week our maths activities will culminate with every class demonstrating a maths game/activity for other classes in the hall. It promises to be a fun day and we are all looking forward to it.
Kind regards,
Mary Dunlea Fitzgerald, School Principal
ST Tolas Thursday Note 6th October 2022
October 6th, 2022Dear parents/Guardians,
We hope you are well in this first week of October. Our news is as follows
- We wish our pupils taking part in the Clare Schools’ Cross Country competition in Lee’s Road in Ennis every good wish today. They have trained hard over the past few weeks and we hope they do their best, have an enjoyable day and that the weather is kind to them. It will be a busy event with a large number of schools from East Clare taking part. Come on St. Tola’s!
- Last Tuesday 4th October we hosted a delegation of teachers from Uganda here in St Tolas for the morning. These teachers have been sponsored by the Irish Embassy to travel to Ireland to learn about our education system. We were thrilled to be asked to host a school visit on one of their days here. Our visitors were greeted by lovely artwork from 5th class at the entrance door and hall depicting their national flag. Senior Infants. 1st class and Aoibhneas class greeted them in song and sign language singing two songs for them. Our visitors responded by singing their national anthem and another action song. They broke into groups and got to visit a number of classrooms while they were here. They were very impressed with our pupils and staff and the lovely positive atmosphere here in St. Tolas. They were thrilled to answer the many questions from our pupils on life in Uganda. There were some insightful questions asked. They presented the school with their national flag which is currently on display in the hall. Overall it was a great experience to meet with teachers from another part of the world and to learn about their lives and schools. Thank you to all our staff and pupils who helped make this visit so positive. Well done everyone!
- For parents of pupils making First Communion next April the first preparation Mass will take place on Sunday 16th October in Mary Immaculate Church at 11a.m. There is no preparation Mass this Sunday as previously stated. It has been moved to Sunday 16th October. The parish asks that pupils wear their uniform to this Mass so that the parishioners know that the pupils are making First Communion.
- St. Tolas is closed to pupils next Monday 10th October to facilitate staff inservice. St Tolas will open to pupils as usual on Tuesday 11th October.
Kind regards,
Mary Dunlea Fitzgerald, School Principal