Thursday Note 15th June 2023

June 15th, 2023

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We hope you are keeping cool in the current heat! Our news this week is as follows

  • Congratulations to all our pupils and staff on a wonderful Sport for All day last Tuesday. It was a jam packed day with pupils getting to experience a wide variety of games and activities to suit all. We had musical hoops, an obstacle course and tug of war, parachute games and dodge ball, fun races, GAA skills, basketball skills, art activities, dance/yoga and running races out beside the Green Store. We thank our parents/guardians who joined us in the afternoon for the races and gave great encouragement to everyone. The pupils were fantastic and it was wonderful to see the positive sporting attitude displayed by everyone and how they supported and encouraged each other. Most of all it was great to see everyone having fun. I know there were a few tired people on Tuesday evening (including staff!!!)
  • 6th class are going on their school tour next Tuesday to Bay Sports in Athlone. We hope they have a fantastic day out on their last school tour in primary school. 3rd class are going on their tour next Wednesday to Just for Fun in Mary Immaculate College in Limerick. We hope they have an enjoyable and funfilled day.
  • Our quizbrain competition continues with the top 20 highest scores from the first rounds going head to head for the semi-final. The first semi-final heat took place yesterday and the standard is very high this year. We wish the pupils well for semi-final 2 which will take place next week.
  • The Summer Stars Reading Challenge is now live at the library. You can register your child by popping into Shannon library at any stage and filling in an application form. The aim of the programme is to encourage children to keep up their reading skills over the summer. For every book read there are little prizes to be claimed. The best thing about the programme is that it is completely free.
  • Please see attached letter with information in relation to books and supplies for the next school year.
  • Next Friday 23rd June we will hold our 6th class graduation.  Due to lack of space we will only be able to accommodate the parents of 6th class pupils. The ceremony will take place at 11a.m. and we are looking forward celebrating our 6th class pupils as they prepare to move on to secondary education.
  • Our end of year school reports will be posted shortly and you should receive them early next week. If you have moved house can you please let the office know your new address if you haven’t already done so.
  • Tomorrow, Friday 16th June we will hold a no uniform day in aid of Munster Wheelchair Hurling club.  Pupils may wear their own clothes tomorrow if they wish and donate €1 or €2 euros which will all go to the charity. If pupils do not wish to take part it is not a problem and they can just wear their uniform as usual.
  • St Tolas will close for the summer holidays on Tuesday 27th June at 12p.m.
  • Finally we have some sad news this week. We would like to extend our sincere condolences from all in the St Tola’s community to Sarah Meyers (Burke) on the death of her father. We are thinking of Sarah and her family at this difficult time. Ar Dheis Dé go raibh a anam dilís.

Kind regards,

Mary Dunlea Fitzgerald, School Principal