Thursday Note 25th April 2024

April 25th, 2024

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We hope you had an opportunity to enjoy the good weather earlier this week and hopefully it will return again soon! Our news this week is as follows

  • Well done to pupils in 6th class who had their Ceremony of Light as part of preparation for Confirmation last night in Mary Immaculate Church along with pupils from St. Senans and St. Johns. Thank you also to the pupils in 3rd, 4th and 5th classes who sang in the choir and played in the band. It was a lovely ceremony.
  • 2nd class pupils have been busy this week preparing for First Communion on Saturday at 11a.m. in Mary Immaculate Church.  Pupils from 3rd to 6th classes will be helping out with the choir and the band. We are looking forward to the ceremony on Saturday and hopefully the weather will be kind to us. Thank you to the Parents’ Association and 3rd class parents who are helping out with a little celebration for the pupils in 2nd class here in the school after the ceremony. It is greatly appreciated.
  • Well done to pupils in 4th and 5th class who have achieved their Principal’s Award for Table facts in Maths over the past few weeks. I have been very impressed with the level of tables knowledge and the speed of recall. It has been lovely to meet the pupils on an individual basis too and reward them for their hard work and dedication to learning their tables over the past few months. If pupils know their tables facts at this stage it is a great help to lessen the load in maths for the coming years. I look forward to testing the rest of the pupils on their tables in the coming weeks.
  • We are delighted that all the pupils in St Tolas are now receiving a hot lunch each day. This service started on Tuesday. Don’t forget to download the app form the LunchBag if you have not already done so. Each pupil received a unique code last Friday. In order to activate your child’s account please input the code into the app and make your selection. Please note your order must be made 36 hours in advance of day of eating and cannot be changed after that. It is also important to save your selection so that it goes through to the LunchBag company. Please keep an eye on what your child is eating so that you can order food they like. It is also important that your child brings their lunch box in every day so that we can send home their container and you can have a chat about what they got and what they would like to order next week.
  • Pupils will still need a snack for small break and a drink every day. The snack must be a healthy snack in line with our Healthy Eating Policy.
  • The school photos will be taken next Thursday. If you have ordered photos earlier in the year they will now be taken on Thursday next.
  • As we had lovely weather this week we would like to remind parents/guardians that pupils are required to wear their school uniform every day.  Pupils should have a blue/white polo shirt. You may wish your child to wear shorts. We have allowed GAA shorts in the past but ask that these would be an acceptable length for school. if you wish to purchase navy tracksuit type shorts they are available in Dunnes Stores or other shops. Please note that leggings/bicycle shorts are not permitted.

Kind regards,

Mary Dunlea Fitzgerald, School Principal

Thursday Note 18th April 2024

April 18th, 2024

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We hope you are keeping well. Our news this week is as follows

  • Thank you to all the parents/guardians who have completed our survey in relation to your child and the online world. If you have not had a chance to complete the survey yet we would be very grateful if you could do so at your earliest convenience. A text message with a link was sent out again this week. We will be using the information in the survey to inform our guidance and school agreement on the use of internet enabled devices.
  • We still have some spaces available in Junior Infants for September 2024. if you know of any parents whose child requires a place for September 2024 please ask them to contact the school office.
  • Our 6th class pupils will have the Ceremony of Light next Wednesday 24th April at 7p.m. in Mary Immaculate Church. As per parish policy pupils wear their school uniform (their blue top and navy tracksuit pants are fine). Thank you to the pupils in 3rd, 4th and 5th who are part of the school choir and school band who will also help out with the music. We wish our 6th class pupils well on this step of their journey towards Confirmation.
  • It is also a busy week for our 2nd class pupils as they prepare for their First Communion on 27th April at 11a.m. in Mary Immaculate Church. There is a lovely long standing tradition of having a small party for the 1st Communion pupils and a cuppa for immediate family here in the school after the First Communion ceremony. Due to space restrictions we ask that only the First Communion child and the family in their household attend the school. If there are parents /guardians in 3rd class or indeed in any class across the school who could spare a couple of hours to help the Parents Association with this please contact the school office and we will pass on your details.
  • Well done to 5th class and Senior Infants who are gone on a walk this morning in the locality to look at logainmneacha (placenames – as part of their Gaeilge).
  • Thank you to 4th class who visited Senior Infants earlier this week to carry out some shared reading. Both classes really enjoyed this activity and it was lovely that they got the chance to read to each other.  Keep up the great reading.
  • Our pupils in 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th classes are doing great reading with our Accelerated Reader Programme. We have a number of pupils who are word millionaires – have read over a million words since September 23. Reading independently at this stage is fantastic to develop skills such as word vocabulary, comprehension skills and fluency. It impacts right across the curriculum and benefits the pupils in all subject areas.

Kind regards, Mary Dunlea Fitzgerald, School Principal

Thursday Note 11th April 2024

April 11th, 2024

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to Term 3 of the current school year. We hope you had an enjoyable and relaxing break as we head into the final term of the current school year. Our news this week is as follows

  • On behalf of everyone in our school community we extend our sincere sympathies to the family, friends  colleagues and parishoners of Canon Brendan O’ Donohue who died on the 4th April last having lived and served as parish priest and retired priest here in Shannon since 1988. Canon Brendan was well known to us here in St Tolas having officiated at many school ceremonies including our most recent First Confessions. His wisdom, empathy, good nature and fantastic sense of humour will be greatly missed. I thank the pupils in 5th and 6th classes who stood outside the school on Monday last to honour Canon Brendan as the funeral cortege passed the school. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dílís.
  • We are looking forward to the start of free hot lunches for every pupil in St Tolas starting soon. The LunchBag will be our provider of hot meals and over the Easter break a lot of work was completed to get the food preparation area ready. There are still a few jobs to complete but we expect the launch of this new service to take place very shortly. As soon as everything is ready we will update you. This will be a fantastic addition to the school and we are looking forward to the service being rolled out.
  • As mentioned before Easter we are taking part in a project with Clare Education Centre called Agree to Agree. We are gathering information on internet enabled device usage in relation to our pupils. So far we have surveyed pupils and staff. Now is your chance as parents/guardians to participate also. Please note the link to the survey will be sent out today via text message to parents/guardians. The survey is completely anonymous and we would be very grateful if you could complete it at your earliest convenience.
  • Swimming lessons are starting next week for pupils in 4th, 3rd and 2nd classes in Shannon Leisure Centre.  4th class are scheduled on Mondays at 1.30p.m., 3rd class have their lessons on Tuesdays at 1.30p.m. and 2nd class have their lessons on Wednesdays at 1.30p.m.  The lessons will continue for 6 weeks. Lessons cost €4.50 per day and can be paid via Aladdin or in cash.  Swimming lessons are part of the Physical Education curriculum and apart from medical reasons all pupils are expected to take part in the aquatic strand of P.E.
  • Please see flyer attached from Shannon Library in relation to a free weekly storytime and colouring session for 3 to 6 year olds.
  • Our school photos will take place on Thurs 2nd May. if you have already sent in an order form there is no need to do anything else. If you would like to get photos of your child/children on that day please contact the office.

Kind regards,

Mary Dunlea Fitzgerald, School Principal