Thursday Note 3rd October 2024

October 3rd, 2024

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We hope you are keeping well as we begin a new month. Our news this week is as follows

  • The A.G.M of the Parents’ Association will take place here in the school on Monday evening at 7.30p.m. If your child is enrolled in the school you are automatically a member of the Parents’ Association. There are only a few meetings in the year. If you would like to find out more information or get involved come along to the AGM. All are welcome.
  • Last Monday Seniors and 5th class went on a nature walk together to spot the signs of Autumn. Seniors had made binoculars in Art to help them spot the colours of the leaves, acorns, seeds and birds. 5th class were a big help with the Senior Infants and also made lots of observations on the changing season. It is lovely to get outside and learn outdoors once in a while.
  • Last Monday Garda Suzanne Clear visited both 1st classes and both 2nd classes. She talked to the pupils about the ways Gardai can help and protect them. The pupils got to try on her Garda hat and hi vis vest too! There were lots of great questions from the pupils about the role of the Gardai.
  • Next Monday members of Shannon Gardai will visit 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th classes to talk to the pupils about Halloween safety. We are looking forward to this visit.
  • Gaelic football training started this week at lunchtimes for boys and girls from 5th and 6th classes in preparation for the Cumann na mBunscoil football competition which will commence in the coming weeks. Thank you to the staff involved who are giving up their lunchtimes to train the pupils. Best of luck to all involved in the coming competitions.
  • Next Monday staff from St Caimin’s Community School will visit 6th class to talk about their school and invite our pupils to their Open Night. On 14th October staff from St. Patrick’s Comprehensive School will visit 6th class also. Both schools will distribute their prospectus to the pupils in 6th class ahead of the Open nights.
  • On Thursday the 24th of October, St Tolas infamous Halloween Quiz will make it’s come back.  Tables are €20, 4 people per table with a minimum of one adult.  There will be spot prizes and a tuck shop on the night.  If anyone has spot prizes they would like to donate or wish to book a table please contact Múinteoir Fíona through the office.

Kind regards,

Mary Dunlea Fitzgerald, School Principal