Mission Statement
St. Tola's National School is a co-educational Catholic primary school, which strives to provide a well ordered, caring, happy and secure environment where the intellectual, spiritual, physical, moral and cultural needs of the pupils are identified and addressed. While St. Tola's is a school with a Catholic ethos, it also shows due recognition for all religions.
St. Tola's will strive to promote, both individually and collectively, the professional and personal development of teachers through staff development programmes.
St. Tola's will encourage the involvement of parents through home/school contacts and through their involvement in the St. Tola's Board of Management and St. Tola's Parents Association.
St. Tola's will endeavour to enhance the self-esteem of everyone in the school community, to instil in the pupils respect for people and property and to encourage responsible behaviour.
St. Tola's will promote gender equality among staff and pupils.
Deanafaimid iarracht Gaeilge a chothu mar teanga beo sa scoil. (We will strive to make Irish a living language in St. Tola's)
Principal: Mary Dunlea Fitzgerald, Deputy Principal: Clare Fitzsimons
Mainstream Teachers: Amanda Corry, Maria Hehir, Niamh Kenny, Anne Finn, Kate Flynn, Siobhan Kelleher, Maeve Clancy, Orla Coughlan, Noreen Vaughan, Alanna Hansbury
ASD & Multi Disability Teachers: Fiona Burke, Ciara Cleary
SET (Special Education Teachers): Clare Fitzsimons, Karen Riordan, Diana Fleming, Lorraine Connolly, Lorna O’Neill, Gary Tyrrell, Lisa Hackett
SNAs (Special Needs Assistants): Mary O’Shaughnessy, Sinead Duff, Aoife Dunn, Michelle Cullinan, Sinead Lenihan, Sinead Hallissey O’Grady, Aileen Purcell, Siobhan Casey, Stephanie O’Brien
Ancillary Staff: Tracey Moran, Kevin O’Connor, Vanda Radzyte
Board of Management
The Board of Management of St. Tola's NS support the work of the principal and staff in ensuring a well-rounded education for the pupils in a modern and well maintained building, with proper resources to carry out the requirements of the Primary School Curriculum. The B.O.M. has overall responsibility for the school, including finance, maintenance, staffing and the development of the school plan.
The Board of Management meet on a regular basis (usually every month) to oversee and support the work of the school. The board members represent a variety of groups in the school community. The Board of Management has a four year term.
The Board is made up of eight people consisting of:
Mr. PJ Burke (Chairperson): Patron Nominee
Mr. Richard Stapleton (Treasurer): Patron Nominee
Ms. Mary Dunlea-Fitzgerald(Secretary): Principal
Mr. Mike O’Brien: Parent Representative
Ms. Amy Kirwan: Parent Representative
Mr. Gary Tyrrell: Staff Representative
Ms. Anne Germaine: Community Representative
Ms. Cathy Colgan: Community Representative
Opening hours

Classes begin at 9am

Small break 10mins

Lunchtime 30mins

Junior/Senior Infants hometime
