Sports Wheelchair Fun and Games

June 24th, 2016

On Monday, 5th class were delighted to have Steven Casey from the Irish Wheelchair Association join us to talk about wheelchair sports. Steven gave us the loan of nine sports wheelchairs which we were free to use for the entire week. Steven told us all about how he plays basketball and hurling. He was really fast moving around our hall. We all got a chance to use the wheelchairs. In the beginning, we found it really hard to move them in a straight line but by the end of the week, we could move them backwards, spin them around in circles, play relay races and we even managed a few games of basketball!! You need a lot of skill and upper body strength to play basketball. It’s a really fast sport and we learned how to multi-task by moving the wheelchairs and dribbling the basketball at the same time. We had so much fun throughout the week that we wanted to share the fun with Senior Infants, 2nd, 4th and 6th classes. Huge thanks to Steven and to Milena also who organised the chairs for us. We were wrecked after them!!