Thursday Note 2nd March

March 2nd, 2017

 Dear Parents/Guardians,

 We hope you had a restful mid-term break last week. Our news this week is as follows

  • 2nd class pupils made their First Confession on Tuesday evening last in Mary Immaculate Church. Ms. O’ Neill was so proud of all the pupils as they did themselves, their families and their school proud. This is a big step on the road to First Communion and we are all looking forward to the big day in May.

  • Pupils from 4th-6th classes will take part in the Peace Proms Concert in UL Arena on Saturday evening. They have worked since September on the repertoire for the concert and it will be a fantastic experience for them to sing with hundreds of other children from schools across Munster and a full orchestra. We wish them well.
  • As Lent started yesterday the annual TrĂ³caire box was sent home to all families from 1st – 6th class earlier this week. This is an opportunity for your family to give a little to help families in the developing world.
  • Pupils from 3rd-6th classes took part in a Sportshall Athletics competition in Corofin yesterday. They were in competition with a number of other schools in a variety of athletic activities such as running, jumping, throwing etc. Again the pupils represented the school very well and won a number of their competitions. Thank you to Ms. Connolly, Ms. Hehir and Ms. O’ Neill for coaching the pupils over the past few weeks  and giving up their lunchtimes to do so.
  • Can we remind parents once again not to block the entrance to the car park particularly in the mornings. If you wish to accompany your child into the school in the morning please find a parking space and pull in before leaving your car. If there are no parking spaces available please park in a safe manner along the road. Some drivers are abandoning their cars at the entrance to the car park and it means other people cannot access the school. If we can keep the entrance clear and the middle of the car park clear it means many families can drop their children and continue on to exit the car park quickly and safely.


Yours sincerely,

Mary Dunlea Fitzgerald, Principal