Chicken Visitors to 5th Class

June 27th, 2017

We were delighted to welcome 7 eggs, an incubator and a cage to our school a couple of weeks ago. There was great excitement in our class as we waited for the eggs to hatch. Thankfully, all seven chicks hatched safely and it was really interesting watching them grow for the week while they stayed in our school. We couldn’t believe how quickly they grew! We brought them over to our classroom for a morning and we had some good fun watching them and playing with them. They need a full time toilet cleaner behind them to keep the place tidy…you’ll see how we tried to keep our tables clean using hand towels but this didn’t always work!! We had a little chicken race in the class before they left us. We thought we could encourage the chickens to their food like you would a dog, but we learned that chickens are quite headstrong and will only move and eat, when they want to!! Thanks to Ms. Hehir for organising their trip to our school.