Thursday Note 20th April 2023

April 20th, 2023

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We hope you had an enjoyable break over the Easter holidays. It was lovely to see everyone back on Monday last. Our news this week is as follows

  • Our second class pupils making First Communion are busy getting ready for their ceremony which will take place on Saturday 29th April at 10.30a.m. in Mary Immaculate Church. Our Parents’ Association have organised a small party for the communion pupils here in the school with a cup of tea/coffee for parents after the ceremony.  As our hall is much smaller we will only be able to accommodate the communion child and those living in the household with them. If any parents/guardians from 1st class or 3rd class are available to help out the Parents’ Association would be most grateful. You can contact the school office if you are available. The Parents Association would also appreciate any donations of biscuits/buns/cakes and these can be dropped into the school on Friday 28th April.
  • Swimming lessons started last Tuesday for pupils in 2nd, 3rd and 4th classes. Well done to all the pupils who took part. We were very proud of how they managed in the pool and they looked like they had a lot of fun in the water.
  • As we head into Term 3 we hope the weather will improve. It’s the time of the year that pupils will take off their school jumper if they are too warm. Can you please check that your child’s jumper has their name on the label to avoid any confusion or misplacing of school jumpers. We thank you for your co-operation in this matter.
  • The school photo orders were sent home this week. We hope you are happy with your child’s photos.
  • Congratulations to pupils in 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th classes who took part in an Accelerated Reading Challenge for the month of March. There was a great drive to increase the number of books and words read and the pupils did so well. For the month of March a total of 9,580,868 words was read between the four classes. This is a phenomenal achievement. Since the start of the current school year the four classes have read a total of 2841 books to date and the word count is 37, 444,246. Keep up this great reading. Reading is like any skill and the more you practise the more you improve!
  • We will be carrying out our standardised testing in reading and maths over the next few weeks from 1st to 6th classes. Failing illness it is advisable that all pupils attend in this period so that the standardised testing can be completed in a timely manner.

Kind regards, Mary Dunlea Fitzgerald, School Principal